425_NEWS.ZIP 129,764 10-25-94 Ham-Radio 425 DX News. One of the mostaccurate Dx bulletins edited from ItalianDXers.
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AK31.ZIP 63,714 09-06-94 Amazing Kenwood v3.1. Kenwood HF Radiocontroller. Supports most HF Rigs, maycontrol four rigs at the same time, has anexternal memory database, and many more.
AK8Y.ZIP 0,784 09-03-94 AK8Y Special Event Station 09/10/94.
AMEXPAND.ZIP 3,323 11-05-94 FCC AM broadcast expansion/reassignment.
AMSAT.ZIP 37,588 11-13-94 AmSat Bulletins.
ANART.ZIP 65,597 12-10-94 ANART Bulletins.
ANS.ZIP 13,728 12-02-94 VAMC AIDS News Service.
APRS60.ZIP 1,404,680 09-30-94 Automatic Packet Report system v6.0 byWB4APR.
FLEA1115.ZIP 2,615 11-15-94 W1GSL's list of New England electronic, hamradio and computer flea markets for 1995.
FT2500.ZIP 0,796 10-01-94 Extend Tx range - KC5APJ.
GB2VK.ZIP 1,960 09-19-94 GB2VK Special Event Station 09/22/94.
HAMTST11.ZIP 131,434 11-19-94 HamTest v1.1. Study aid for the HAM RadioNovice Class Exam (Element 2), TechnicianClass Exam (Elemement 3A) and General ClassExam (Element 3B).
POCK42.ZIP 168,404 12-08-94 PocketD 4.2 DOS best utilities
POLSKIE.ZIP 1,779 11-06-94 Radio Polskie SWBC Sked.
RAC.ZIP 15,668 12-10-94 RAC Spcl News Bulletins.
RACES.ZIP 14,441 10-30-94 RACES Bulletins.
RBASE11.ZIP 366,582 09-29-94 Windows Database for Ham Radio Repeaterfrequencies, written for use with the ARRLrepeater directory. Create multipledatabases no limit on records per database,add, edit, sort, delete, and print yourrecords.
RM.ZIP 559,931 09-14-94 Radio Manager v2.01. ICOM R-7000 controllerfor Windows.
RMOBS.ZIP 9,924 10-14-94 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletins.
RSGB.ZIP 98,256 12-10-94 RSGB Bulletins.
RTDX.ZIP 23,446 12-11-94 RTTY DX Bulletins.
R_KUWAIT.ZIP 0,339 10-30-94 Radio Kuwait SWBC Sked.
R_MOSCOW.ZIP 0,412 11-06-94 Radio Moscow SWBC Sked.
R_NORWAY.ZIP 0,730 10-15-94 Radio Norway SWBC Sked.
SCDX.ZIP 56,902 12-11-94 Sweden Calling DX Bulletins.
SOP9445U.ZIP 202,679 11-18-94 STSORBIT PLUS Version 9445: Track anddisplay any satellite for which orbitaldata is avail able. Used by NASA and theaerospace industry as well as hams and"just plain folks" around the world.